
Other disease models

Other disease models

Disease model

Modeling approach

Animal strains


Sepsis model

Intraperitoneal   injection of LPS

SD/Wistar rat

Renal pathological analysis; Serum   cytokine analysis; blood bacterial culture

Cecal   ligation and puncture

Severe   acute pancreatitis (SAP)model

Induced by retrograde infusion

of 5% sodium taurocholate

solution (1 mg/kg) into the biliary-pancreatic duct

SD/Wistar rat

Pancreatic   histopathological observation; Analysis of serum AMY and   LIP; Detection   of inflammatory factors

Deafness   model

Gene knockout, heterozygous   breeding

C57BL/6 mouse

Tone and intensity testing

Depression   model

Forced swimming, heat stress,   etc

SD/Wistar rat

Animal behavior judgment

Aplastic   anemia(AA) model

administered with 2ml/Kg   of benzene for 15 dose

CD1 mouse

Blood tests; Bone   marrow tests

Injection of 5-FU with busulfan

SD/Wistar rat

Received irradiation+ tail vein   injection of Lymph cells

BALB/c mouse

Cervical   spondylotic radiculopathy (CSR) model

Surgery+formaldehyde filter   paper was placed under 6/7 nerve roots

SD/Wistar rat

Detection of pathological   changes around nerve roots

TOPBIOTECH can provide customized   animal disease model services according to the needs of customers

Case analysis   Sepsis rat model

Sepsis, a severe systemic inflammatory response as a result of infection, is associated with high morbidity and mortality rates, and remains one of leading cause of death in intensive care units worldwide due to its association with the dysfunction of multiple organs. Rats were subjected to cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) surgery, corresponding to mortality of human patients suffering from abdominal sepsis.

Experimental animal information

Name   of animal model

Sepsis rat model

Species and strains of animal

SD/   Wistar rat

Gender of animal

Age of animal


Weight of animal



Compared to the sham control, Serum TNF-α, IL-6 and IL-1β were elevated in CLP rats, the infiltration of inflammatory cell in the Liver, lung, kidney ; The myocardial cells were loosely arranged in heart tissue; Small intestinal mucosa were characterized: edema, hemorrhage with  inflammatory cell infiltration.

Partial surgical process display

