
Tumor model

Tumor model

TOPBIOTECH tumor modeling technology include heterogenous, in situ and metastatic tumor model, and can use small animal living bioluminescence imaging system for in situ tumor and metastatic tumor research, according to the needs of customers, flexibly to develop and build a variety of customized models.

Tumor model

Modeling approach


Xenograft tumor model

Subcutaneous injection/implant

Animal Characterization (weight/status/survival   rate/drug toxicity, etc.)

Pathological   analysis(HE/IHC, etc.)

Biochemical analysis   (blood/body fluid/tissue)

Molecular biology analysis   (sequencing /biomarker analysis)

Anatomic analysis

imaging in vivo and so on

In situ xenograft tumor   model

The inoculation site was consistent with the cell   or tumor origin site

Metastatic xenograft model

Tail vein injection   metastasis/in situ or ectopic inoculation metastasis

Case analysis   Xenograft model of colorectal cancer

Each mouse was inoculated subcutaneously into the armpits with human colorectal cancer cell line, The results showed the shape and size of subcutaneous tumors, and tumor growth was effectively controlled after administration.



Tumor types

Cell line

Head and neck cancer

FaDu, CAL-27  

Oral cancer

HSC-3,   SCC-4, KB

Lung cancer

A549,NCH-H358,NCH-H460,NCH-H526,NCH-H1299,NCH-H1650,NCH-H1688,   NCH-H1975, 95-D, PC-10, Calu-3

Breast carcinoma

MDA-MB-231,   MDA-MB-468, MDA-MB-453, HCC70, HCC1954, MDA-MB-361, MCF-7, BT474, BT549,   SK-BR-3

Gastric cancer

MKN-28,MKN-45,   BGC-823,HGC-27,MKN-28,SCH, SGC-7901, SNU-5, SNU-16, MGC-803, AGS

Liver cancer

Hep-3B,Huh-7,PLC/PRF/5,QGY-7703,SK-HEP-1,SMMC-7721,HepG-2,BEL-7402,   BEL-7404,  MHCC97H, LM3

Pancreatic cancer

AsPC-1,   B×PC-3, Capan-1, Capan-2, CFPAC-1, MIAPaCa-2, PANC-1

Renal cancer

ACHN, A498,   786-O, OS-RC-2

Colorectal cancer

COLO 201,   COLO 205, DLD-1, HCT-116, HT-29, LoVo, LS1034, LS174T, Caco2, RKO,  SW480, SW620, SW1116, SW948

Prostatic cancer

Du145,   PC-3, LNCap, CL-1,C4-2

Bladder cancer

HT-1376,   RT4, SW780, T24, UM-UC-3, 5637, EJ

Ovarian cancer

ES-2, HO-8910PM,   SK-OV-3, OVCAR-3, CAOV3, OV2008, 3-AO

cervical cancer

SiHa,   Hela, Ca Ski, C33A


A375,   A2058, C32, HMCB, SK-MEL-30



U937,   THP-1, HEL, HL-60, K562, Kasumi-1, Jurkat, NB4, Raji, ARH-77, KMS-12-BM,   KG-1, CML-T1, MOLM-13, MoLT-4, CCRF-CEM


A172,   U87-MG, U251, U343MG, U373, SW1783
