
BALBc nude mice experimental animals

Column:Experimental Animal Time:2022-01-21 Browsing volume: 418
In 1973, C.W. Friis of Denmark found hairless mice with spontaneous mutation in BALB / C inbred mice. The mutant mice developed BALB / c-nu due to poor thymus development and lack of immune T cells.

In 1973, C.W. Friis of Denmark found hairless mice with spontaneous mutation in BALB / C inbred mice. The mutant mice developed BALB / c-nu due to poor thymus development and lack of immune T cells. Our company introduced it from Shanghai Branch of national rodent experimental animal seed center on September 3, 2009. Characteristics: inbred mice, hairless, naked and thymus free, mainly used for T cell deficiency, cancer, skin diseases, immunology, etc.
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