
Animal surgery services.

Column:Animal surgery services Time:2018-11-29
According to customer needs, we can provide a variety of animal surgery services

    According to customer needs, we can provide a variety of animal surgery services. The following is an example of liver resection in mice to introduce the operation steps of animal surgery in our company:

Pre-preparation: experimental mice, mouse plates, sterilized surgical instruments (scissors, tweezers, needle holder, suture needle, suture line, etc.), cotton, cotton swabs, gauze, normal saline, rubbing alcohol, syringes, anesthetics


1. After anesthesia, the mice are fixed on the mouse board in the supine position.

2. Find out the locations of the liver and shave off the hair in the locations area.

3. After alcohol disinfection, first cut the skin with scissors, the length is about 1cm, and then lay the surgical gauze.

4. Replace a pair of scissors and tweezers, cut off the endothelium, and then squeeze the abdomen of the mouse with both index fingers from both sides to the center. You can easily squeeze out the two large lobes of the liver, accounting for 70% of the whole liver (middle lobe and left outer lobe).

5. Ligate the two lobes to the proximal end with thread.

6. Cut off the liver lobes and stuff the rest of the liver lobes back into the body with a cotton swab.

7. Suture the endothelium and skin.

8. Injection part of normal saline is helpful to the recovery of mice.

